Last week my 5 year discovered the pumpkin pie pumpkins at the grocery store and was insistent we make a pie from scratch. So we did. It was delicious and much easier than I thought it would be. But that pie wasn’t the highlight of the pie making adventure, it was these beauties.
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Tag Archives: Halloween
Bat Bread
Well it’s that time of year to do something freaky, so I baked a fresh loaf of bat.
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Halloween Black Bean Soup
For me, the scariest part of Halloween is what is lurking behind my pantry door… the monster sized bag of mini chocolate candybars. I swear I can hear them whispering my name.
I realized all this candy sneaking had gone too far when last night I was actually doing sit ups while a Reese’s peanut butter cup was dissolving in my mouth.
That is why I am not blogging about cupcakes or cookies today.
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Jack-o-Lantern Bread
Ooooooooh, my kids are getting some pretty cool sandwiches this Halloween!
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