The Cat’s Hat Bread

We have a nice collection of Dr. Seuss books, the latest addition being The Sleep Book. My 3 year old was giving us some terrible tantrums when it came time for lights out.. so my genius husband ordered this from amazon. Let me tell you, this book is magical. My son is in bed, lights out, at 8pm every night this week. Why? Because he wants his biggel ball to plop into the cup of the Audio-o-Telly-o-Tally-o Count machine, you know, the one that counts how many people fall asleep each night. LOVE IT. Thank you Dr. Seuss!

Well, I felt it was time to make some more bread art, and since I am reading Dr. Seuss every day, naturally the first thing that came to mind was the red and white hat.

Slice Loaf of The Cats Hat Bread

When this bread finished baking, the sun had already set, which makes for poor photography. Sooooo, we went ahead and helped ourselves and ate more than half the loaf. Nothing beats fresh bread. (To make sure it stays fresh and soft, seal it in a ziploc bag.) The next morning, I got out the camera and took photos of what I had left. Unfortunately, I think we ate the good looking half. These pieces seemed more distorted, probably due to the uneven cocoa dough laid on top of the hat.

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Autumn Tree Bread

Another week, another bread! Fresh, home made bread is now a staple in this house and my son is starting to think that all breads will have a surprise shape once we slice it open (fyi… Spooky Bread, Race Car Bread). Oh how I love watching him try to figure out what that shape is!

Tree in Autumn Bread
I’m trying to teach my 3 year old about the seasons, this bread was a fun way to discuss what happens in Autumn. A lovely tree with all its rusty colored leaves falling from the branches… well I suppose it kind of looks like that, you just have to squint a little!

Tree in Autumn Bread Continue reading

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