Apple Cobbler with Buttermilk Ice Cream

Apple Crumb

Sadly my mom has gone back to the East coast, and as I folded the clothes this morning I realized it was the first time I had done laundry in 2 weeks. Ugh. I miss you mom. Not only does the woman do laundry and babysit, but she bakes too! She picked out an apple cobbler recipe from my Mark Bittman “How to Cook Everything Vegetarian” book, threw it together in seconds. I didn’t know she was baking until I smelled something like hot apple pie coming from the kitchen.
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PB & Berry Smoothie Pops

PB & Berry Smoothie Pops
Healthy in disguise treats are a mom’s best friend. I found this low cal nutrition packed fruit smoothie featured in the most recent issue of Cooking Light magazine and thought it might be more fun on a stick. I increased the amount of banana and milk so that the consistency would be nice in a popsicle mold, plus we love the creamy goodness of banana. You can serve this up as a smoothie though if you prefer.
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Traffic Light Popsicles

Traffic Light Popsicles
We go to the library at least once a week and lug home bag fulls of kiddie books. My youngest is now at the age where he just has to grab everything he can get his hands on. If I look away for just a second the kid will have an entire row of books lying in a heap on the floor. Continue reading