Are these cupcakes or muffins? I was out to make muffins but I think these are technically cupcakes. Why? The little bit of cream cheese baked into the top as well as the extra sugar in the batter. Apparently, muffins should have about half the amount of sugar. But I like to think of these as a hybrid because they seem a little bit lighter than having gobs of frosting on the top. The cream cheese is just the right amount of sweetness and texture variant and perfectly compliments the gingery cake it sits on top of.
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Tag Archives: ginger
Gingerbread Men
I made this recipe last year and they tasted great. The secret, I found, roll them evenly and not too thin. Also, separate dough into chunks, work with one chunk at a time so they don’t get re-rolled too much.
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Gingerbread Pancakes
I have been talking about incorporating more vegetarian meals into our diet, so my husband ordered me a new book, Mark Bittman’s How to Cook Everything Vegetarian: Simple Meatless Recipes for Great Food. It is awesome. The book is huge, so well written, has no photos but doesn’t need them, easy recipes and indexed by ingredient. Having an abundance of fresh ginger in my fridge, I discovered this recipe in his pancake section. I don’t know what was more appealing, the fresh ginger or the molasses, but the combination was delicious.
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Gingerbread Café au Lait
Thanks to Lauren over at Healthy and Delicious for this wonderful recreation of the Starbucks seasonal Gingerbread Latte. My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed this hot beverage. It was so good, I couldn’t stop myself from drinking the whole cup… my first FULL cup of Joe in over 16 months (because of baby boy). Oh, did I ever need caffeine today! My babe is waking every 2 hours again because he got his first tooth, yippeee! Did you know that baby teeth grow the most while your baby is sleeping?
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