The birthday party we threw for our boys was outer space themed because my 5 year old is into astronauts, rockets and the idea of “space warriors”. This is the second post on the party, check out the previous post if you’d like to see the giant rocket ship that I made.
Tag Archives: Birthday
Astronauts vs. Aliens: Part 1
Sadly, my poor camera is out of service at the moment. But it is in the very capable hands of the Nikon repair folks whom, I have no doubt, will get it back to me in tip top shape. When they do, I’m thinking a celebratory dessert will be in order.. something chocolate.
In the meantime, I thought I’d blog about the really fun and cool crafty projects we have been working on for our boys’ upcoming birthday party. An out of this world Astronaut versus Alien theme combined party to celebrate turning 5 and turning 2 (their birthdays are only 6 days apart).
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Roaring Good Lion Cake
April is birthday month for my boys and I have been so busy planning birthday parties and enjoying time with out of town guests, that there just has not been any time left for blogging. So this is far from my usual posts, more like a quick update on whats been going on in the cakestudent household and a very big shout out to my little baby boys who are now 1 and 4 years old! My 4 year old is so completely consumed with their new ages, our conversations go something like this:
little guy: “Mommy… this is the first time a 4 year old and a 1 year are in the bathtub together!!”
little guy: “Mommy… I like monster trucks more than I like 1 year olds.”
little guy: “Mommy… 1 year olds can’t have pez candy like 4 year olds can!” “Yes, you are right buddy.” “Then why is a 1 year old eating my pez!” Woops! What can I say.. the 1 year old is very clever.
So, hopefully April showers will bring more May blog posts… but until then here is a quick shot of the brave lion cake I made for my beautiful, curious, courageous, happy, crabby, restless and hilarious 1 year old boy. Happy Birthday M! As the 4 year old would say… I love you to Jupiter and back.
I tried a new fondant recipe, very easy to make and better tasting than the store bought stuff Mashmallow Fondant.
For the cake, I tried a recipe from Savour-fare (one of my all time favorite bloggers) that took some time to make, but it sure made my 1 year old very happy!
Happy Birthday Cake Student!
Celebrating 1 full year of food blogging!
Two years ago I started CakeStudent because I needed a hobby and, well, a food blog just sounded like fun. Turns out it wasn’t much fun… my posts were pretty bad and I had zero visitors. After only a few months, I threw in the towel. The next year, when my domain name was set to expire, I logged into google analytics out of sheer curiosity. Low and behold… I had over 5000 page views! I couldn’t believe it. Turns out my Cat in the Hat cake was bringing in some traffic.
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