Crunchy munchy, honey cakes, they’re great to eat and they’re fun to make.
In your hand or on a plate, crunchy, munchy, honey cakes.
– The Wiggles
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Crunchy munchy, honey cakes, they’re great to eat and they’re fun to make.
In your hand or on a plate, crunchy, munchy, honey cakes.
– The Wiggles
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Happy Birthday to my husband, 36 years young, I love you dahling!
His cake, sick-a-tella ice cream cake, I invented last year composed of every sweet thing he loves… but this year I changed it up a bit. I decided it was time to try making dulce de leche (checking this off my want to try list). I swirled it into the ice cream thinking that seems very snickery to me. It was awesome! BUT! A tad on the sweet side.
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I am on a quest for the perfect grilled dessert. We have had several sweet disasters usually leaving us with some sort of softened burnt graham cracker. Just when I was beginning to think grilled s’mores just cannot be done on our grill, I saw a cake at the end of the tunnel.
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