Easter Cookie Bouquet

Easter Cookie Bouquet
Looking for something special to take to Easter brunch, church, or even to the office? Consider showcasing some special Easter cookies in a basket. Last year I wanted to bring in some cookies to the office to share with my fellow co-workers. I didn’t like the idea of just stacking them on a plate because they tend to break easily when transported that way, not to mention when they are stacked you don’t get to see them all. So I got out one of my baskets and put together this cookie arrangement. I loved the final result, and so did my co-workers!
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Birds Nest Cupcakes

Birds Nest Cupcakes

“In springtime
The only pretty ring time
Birds sing, hey ding
A-ding A-ding
Sweet lovers love the spring”

Willy Wonka sings this song in the invention room while riding the bike that stirs the ingredients. (He is quoting William Shakespeare). These edible bird nests kind of remind me of this song. This is an easy baking project, it requires no frosting bags or tips. I decided to make these after I failed at making shortbread cookies.. I rolled the dough too thin and the edges burned! So these cupcakes were super easy and quick and make a cute ‘just because’ gift for someone.
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