Going Back to School: Child Nutrition and Cooking

If your New Year’s resolution sounds something like “feed my kids better food” or “eat healthier” or “cook more often” then I challenge you to join me in this FREE 5 week long Just Cook cooking class offered by Stanford University starting in 3 days. Sign up on coursera.com (again it’s all completely free).

I took the first version of the course last year and needless to say enjoyed it enough to recommend this time around. It’s geared towards family cooking and helping cook better for your kids, but really I think it could help anyone. Expect to put in about an hour a week, you just watch a few short videos and then do a cooking assignment.

Sign up soon, it starts on January 13th. Let’s go to school together!


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2 thoughts on “Going Back to School: Child Nutrition and Cooking

  1. It’s great to see you recommend this course. Since it has loads of new videos, I’m going to take it again! 🙂

  2. I’m hoping to get some quick and healthy cooking tips again. I still make the egg in toast on a weekly basis, as well as the crepes. Thanks for stopping by Emma 🙂

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