Going Back to School: Child Nutrition and Cooking

If your New Year’s resolution sounds something like “feed my kids better food” or “eat healthier” or “cook more often” then I challenge you to join me in this FREE 5 week long Just Cook cooking class offered by Stanford University starting in 3 days. Sign up on coursera.com (again it’s all completely free).

I took the first version of the course last year and needless to say enjoyed it enough to recommend this time around. It’s geared towards family cooking and helping cook better for your kids, but really I think it could help anyone. Expect to put in about an hour a week, you just watch a few short videos and then do a cooking assignment.

Sign up soon, it starts on January 13th. Let’s go to school together!


Astronauts vs. Aliens: Part 1

Cardboard Rocketship
Sadly, my poor camera is out of service at the moment. But it is in the very capable hands of the Nikon repair folks whom, I have no doubt, will get it back to me in tip top shape. When they do, I’m thinking a celebratory dessert will be in order.. something chocolate.

In the meantime, I thought I’d blog about the really fun and cool crafty projects we have been working on for our boys’ upcoming birthday party. An out of this world Astronaut versus Alien theme combined party to celebrate turning 5 and turning 2 (their birthdays are only 6 days apart).
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Homemade Valentine’s Day Cards

Color My Heart Valentine's Day Card
Pinterest is such a great resource to find fun ideas for DIY Valentine’s Day cards. I found this “You color my heart” idea there and enlisted my son to help. Now that he is 4 years old, he was able to really lend a hand.
Color My Heart Valentine's Day Cards
He wrote his name and drew a beautiful heart. Then I scanned them in and created a simple card using Photoshop. Printed copies and cut them into squares. Using a glue stick, he pasted the squares onto a variety of colorful scrapbooking paper. With his kid scissors he carefully cut them out creating cute little cards for all his preschool friends. I added the finishing touches by attaching these really nifty Crayola Mini Twistables Crayons to all the cards with ribbon.

Last year we did “You’re a Hoot” cards, but I did most the work since he wasn’t writing much at age 3. He did help me glue on the eyeballs and coordinate the pencils. To make these, cut out tear drop shapes in various colored paper. Then fold over and glue down the pointy tip to create the owl nose. Using scissors, trim the top of the folded edge to make more of a heart shaped top. The rest is pretty self explanatory… just find colorful pencils to use for the branch (available at Target).

You're a Hoot Valentine's Day Cards

I love making cards with him and I think homemade cards are the most exciting kind to get when you are a kid. He is so excited to go to school next week and hand these out to all his friends!

Ants on a Log & Celery Rose Stamps

Celery Rose Stamping

New Year’s resolution #2: provide more arts and crafts time for my boys.

Just in time for Valentine’s Day. Use the base of the celery stalk as a stamp to make beautiful roses. Turns out the size of the celery root is perfect for little hands to grip and the pattern really does resemble a rose.
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